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Camp Fire at Night
Kids Kayaking
Camp Fire
Breakfast at the Campsite
Boy Scout
Group of Friends Going on Excursion


When does camp operate?

Camp operates Monday through Friday, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. The nursery program operates Monday through Friday 9:30 am through 4:00 as well, with a 1:30 pm pick-up option. The 2024 season will begin on July 1st and end on August 16th.


What is the age range of campers?

Campers range in age from 3 years old through 13 years old. Please note that all campers, including those in nursery, must be toilet-trained.


Is there a CIT program?

Yes! There is a counselor-in-training program for 14- and 15-year-olds.


How large is Goldens Bridge Day Camp?

We accept up to 80 campers total.


How many campers are in a group?

Groups are divided loosely by age; there are usually 10 campers per group.


How many counselors are in a group?

There are at least two counselors in each group.  Most counselors are college students, and all counselors are trained in first aid.


Other than counselors, who is on staff?

We have a Director, Assistant Director, Nursery Director, Waterfront Director / Water Safety Instructor, lifeguards, and a staff of specialists that lead our daily activities.


What activities are offered at Goldens Bridge Day Camp?

Campers enjoy both instructional and free swim each day. We have 17 acres of wooded trails for hiking, camping, and nature study.  We have beach volleyball courts, basketball courts, and a soccer field. We offer visual arts, nature, drama, boating, dance, sports, and much more!!


What is the nursery program like?

This program functions largely on its own due to the unique needs and young age of the children. They have their own activities, which are usually 30 to 45 minutes in length. They eat lunch together and have their own hybrid instructional and free swim time.


Do parents provide lunch and snacks?

Please provide both snack and lunch for your children -- and a water bottle, too. We have refrigerators and water fountains.


Still have questions? Send us an email:

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© 2018 Goldens Bridge Day Camp


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